The memory box, depicted above, is my own memory box. It started out life as a prop, but after I had finished filming the artwork for ‘Melody And I,’ I decided to keep it; use it for myself. Inside the box (along with some other things) are the figurines from the film set for the cover art of the said album.
I'm sharing this because if you have suffered tragedy–as so many of us do–your own memory box can help you in many ways, and you will go to the place you keep it and open it as often as you feel you need to. The items you have placed in the box take you to the person you have lost. Once again you can welcome them into your thoughts. Sure, it can be heartbreaking, but it comforts you.
There is no ‘set amount of time’, when it comes to accepting the loss of someone: For the most part, we are passengers! And as much as there is so much beauty and so much love in life, all the good times and experiences that we shared together are inextricably entwined with loosing them!
I hope that one day we will leave behind the part of us that remains with those we loved: those who walked into the abyss. One day we may move on, but for today we have our memory box.
I have tried to reflect these thoughts above in this piece of music. Please feel free to download a copy for yourself or a friend’