Rudy Glusac
Payment: At checkout, you will be taken to ‘PayPal's’ secure shopping cart. You can click the ‘PayPal Checkout’ button or if you don't already have a PayPal account, click the grey checkout button to check out as a guest. You can pay with any credit or debit card listed opposite—Just follow the instructions on the page.
When you check out as a guest, you don't need to have a PayPal account, but if you would like to open a PayPal account, you have an option to do so after your payment has been accepted.
You should receive an email from PayPal, immediately after your payment has been accepted. This is your receipt. You can save it or print out a copy.
If you do experience any problems with your order, please quote the order number on your receipt in all communications.
If you want to pay by ‘Postal Order’ or ‘Cheque’, please send an email to: for further details.
Overseas Buyers - Check ‘’ page.
Payment: At checkout, you will be taken to ‘PayPal's’ secure shopping cart. You can click the 'PayPal Checkout' button or if you don't already have a PayPal account, click the grey checkout button to check out as a guest—You can pay with any credit or debit card listed below (Just follow the instructions on the page)
you don't need to have a PayPal account,
You should receive an email from PayPal, immediately after your payment has been accepted. This is your receipt. You can save it or print out a copy.
If you do experience any problems with your order, please quote the order number on your receipt in all communications.
If you want to pay by ‘Postal Order’ or ‘Cheque’, please send an email to: for further details.
Overseas Buyers - Check ‘Delivery’ page.