It hardly seems like 10 years have passed since building my first RG website, and despite it being a bit clunky, back in the day, I remember being very proud of it; to be honest with you, I kinda still am!
I don't suppose any of us will ever really know how we come across to another, but I'm sure the same things matter to most of us: We would like to be known; maybe we could be appreciated; will we be understood?
With this regard, I don't think I'm that unlike anyone else—at least, I hope!
So, the reason for my candour is that whatever I do; whenever I create something, of course I'd like to be original, cool, maybe a bit challenging, but ultimately, I'm trying to communicate something I want people to get. I would also like it to be representative of me.
When it comes to my first website, my intentions were as implied above. What I ended up with was maybe a little too left field; something a little too easy to be misconstrued, and of course, the glyph navigation was confusing. Some people–those who were kind enough to let me know–said that they were surprised at where some of their selections took them!
I did intend it to be be a little mischievous and very tongue-in-cheek! I think it may have worked in some other sphere, but as a commercial site, and something that I feel reflects who I am...maybe not!
My second website was an attempt to clean up the first; make it a little less of a weird user experience. Unfortunately, it was almost as confusing to use, but it had lost all that was fun about the original site. I apologise to any of you who visited it; especially those who have remained friends :)
So, my third site–what has it been...3 years now–it still may not be very conventional, but every part of it was lovingly created from scratch; designed very much from a personal aesthetic, and I was very pleased to get it to look and work how I had envisaged it to do so.
I hope this doesn't make me boastful in any way. There are some amazing, beautiful websites out there designed by very talented people–I'm often in awe of the art other people create–but I'm happy with my website because I really enjoyed the process, and it was the best I could achieve with the skills and the tools I had available to me’